Reflexology works on specific points on the body (reflex areas), corresponding with all the glands, bones, muscles, and organs. These points are within the feet, hands, and ears. In Reflexology the Meridian Theory, similar to Zone Theory, encompasses the belief of spiritual, emotional, and physical energetic connections throughout the body that may hold various uncomfortable symptoms within these planes.
These theories show that our organs, skeleton, and muscle structures and systems within the body carry energetic components of emotion and spiritual entwining within our physical self. In Chinese Medicine the liver conducts its physical job in which is cleansing, but the emotional connection to this organ is anger. Therefore, stimulating the reflex point located on the feet, hands, or ears bringing it to balance can affect not only the physical purpose of the liver but potentially release blockages either causing or contributing to anger.
Stimulating nerves through Reflexology contributes to their work through the entire network. Nerves convey messages to the organs through this network and using a pressure on the Reflex area corresponding with an organ or structure can ease the tension or normalize blood flow within that wired system. It is within the Traditional Chinese Medicine that if the blood and energy are not in equilibrium then there is disharmony within all aspects and illness will follow. It is through this system that Reflexology can participate in the body’s drive and need for homeostasis and balance which influences our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.